
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Facebook is Ten Years Old! #Facebookis10

Facebook is 10 years old.

That's right quite a few of us have been on that website for 10 years now - for me, it's been nearly 7 years as this movie would tell you -

It has engrossed us, been the biggest time waster at school and work ever known to mankind. But most of all, it's so bloody addictive - more addictive than mySpace or Bebo could ever be.

Like many people in New Zealand, I joined the facebook in 2007 - reluctantly at first as I had stayed away from mySpace and bebo having been so faithful to MSN Messenger (that itself no longer exists after years of being the defining standard of chatting on the internet). However, after much convincing that it would be the best way to let people know that I was alright while I was travelling in Europe, I joined facebook and well, the rest is history.

It turns out it was a great way to store photos too.

Life has been very much shaped by facebook and it's not just the social side. To be honest, facebook works so much better than so many other things - a) no longer will anyone forget anyone's birthday, b) organizing and inviting people to events will never ever be the same, and c) saving time and money on texting people when you can just facebook message someone especially with smartphones dominating nowadays.

There will come a time when facebook will fade into history but it would require something that will supersede it. Just like facebook superseded MSN Messenger, ICQ, Bebo, MySpace etc.

I can see us being on facebook for at least 5 more years. Probably even more.


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